Monday, November 26, 2012

Buying Your Christmas Tree

OK, here we go, it's that time of year, and I just have to put my two cents in on this.  We used to sell Christmas trees, and it was quite the education.  So here are my Christmas tree tips:
1) If you are going to cut your own tree, be sure it is above 34 degrees.  (the air temp, not the tree)  This will insure that the sap is up in the tree and it will hold its needles much longer. Cutting your own on a really cold day won't get you a longer lasting tree than the ones in the stores that were cut in October or November!  How long ago the trees were cut is not nearly as important as what temperature it was on the day it was done, so don't vex over it Dad!
2) NEVER tie your tree to the roof of your car to transport it home unless it is completely wrapped in plastic or a tarp of some kind.  I know, I know, it's so romantic.......the air blowing over the tree going home will suck ALL of the life out of the tree and it will drop  needles like crazy.  So stuff it in the car or trunk if you can.
3) Always fresh cut the trunk of the tree before putting it in the stand with water in it.  A cut trunk will seal over in about two hours, so if you can't get it in the stand before then, stick it in a bucket of water, and let it wait like that until you are ready.  The fresh cut can just be a half inch off, so you're not sacrificing height. Then do not let the trunk get dry in the house.


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