Thursday, February 11, 2010

Here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about with the catalogs. I'm looking at a catalog that lists Arisaema (Jack-in-the-Pulpit). They offer six species (types)and list zones 5-9 in the general description, but they don't tell you which ones are which. Of the six Jacks offered, FOUR do not grow in our Zone 5-6 here in Rochester. Some of these plants are $25 each, so it would be a very expensive mistake to plant them and expect them to winter over.
STEP TWO in the winter-blahs-recovery-program-for-plant-freaks is to admit that you have an addiction to plants, tear out the pages of the catalog with the plants pictured that you want, and put them in a file marked "wish list", and write me a note about them, and why you must have them. I'll talk you through it.
My next posting will be about the Coneflower (Echinacea) craze. Anybody out there got some experiences with the new Coneflowers, let me know. Do your orange Coneflowers come back orange??

1 comment:

  1. I am a really bad gardener, but I am developing a love for it. My garden knowledge is zippo and I generally just plant stuff and hope it grows. I am fascinated by hellioborus and wonder if it will actually flower in winter here. Where can I get some? I have been actually dreaming about planting and weeding...will it be spring soon?
